Marian University Benefits from Shared Savings Model

Photo of Joe Greenlee presenting a check to Marion University

Joe Greenlee (left), CFO of leading RV maker, Forest River, and Accretive of Indiana founder, Mark Neilson (right) hold a $14,000 check for Greenlee’s alma mater, Marian University.

Granger-based cost savings firm, Accretive of Indiana, operates a revenue-sharing business model based on the actual realized (non-payroll) operating expense savings the firm helps generate for its clients. Accretive does not charge clients for its time or efforts, instead sharing in the actual savings. Its revenue-sharing model allows the firm to offer a minimum of 10% of its revenues to those individuals, companies or nonprofits that make introductions that lead to realized expense reductions.

While some are able to keep the referral fees, many are unable due to conflicts of interest or a desire to see the referral fees used for charitable or scholarship purposes. The business model is also becoming an emerging source of new funding for several Michiana nonprofits who are receiving donations from their corporate supporters from found savings realized through the Accretive model.

“Our model lends itself to sharing portions of the found savings with others in addition to the Company that engages Accretive,” notes Bill McDonough, who leads the firm’s Indiana practice, “and it gives us great satisfaction to see help multiple parties at once. Found money is a wonderful thing as it can do so much for a company and in the community.”

The donation stems from shared expense savings achieved to date for certain area RV industry suppliers and will increase scholarships in the College of Business at Marian. The two finance execs forecast that there may be considerably more such donations in the future.

Accretive of Indiana works with forward-thinking C-level executives to identify opportunities within their organizations to reduce operating expenses and helps companies share savings with their chosen charities.